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Project Description

Roe v Wade has been a very popular yet controversial topic in political conversations today. Although the initial court ruling happened back in 1973, as of late June of this year the US Supreme Court overturned the initial ruling. This project tracks mostly the reactions to the overturning of the court ruling. In this Multicultural Analysis, we use the O.Y.E Business Intelligence software to analyze Twitter conversations among Hispanic and Black Americans talking about Roe v Wade. This analysis does not provide any political bias and focuses just on the conversation among Twitter users talking about the topic.


This analysis was extrapolated from a data set of 142,067 conversations on Twitter, of which 9,759 were from verified U.S. Hispanics and  were from 6,198 verified Black Americans. All data was gathered from 06/27/2022 – 8/02/2022.

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