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To help brands make Hispanic Heritage Month more impactful, we asked multicultural marketers and culinary entrepreneurs for their best creative approaches. From elevating stories of traditional folks to collaborating with Hispanic-owned businesses, here are the top four strategies these experts shared to engage the community meaningfully.

  • Elevate Stories of Traditional Folks
  • Translate Content and Highlight User-Generated Posts
  • Host Immersive Culinary Experiences
  • Collaborate With Hispanic-Owned Businesses

Elevate Stories of Traditional Folks

Paulette Pinero, Founder & Multicultural Marketer, highlighted that brands often overlook the diversity of Hispanic and Latine communities, urging them to focus on authentic stories from everyday people. “As a Latina and multicultural marketer, the biggest opportunity I see brands miss out on during Hispanic Heritage Month is to acknowledge the diversity of Hispanic and Latine communities. Hispanic and Latine communities are not a monolith, which means that translating content to Spanish or highlighting the same 10 famous people or influencers that every other brand is featuring during the month is not enough. 

For a brand to be successful and gain loyalty from Hispanic and Latine audiences, it should focus on elevating the stories of traditional folks, their day-to-day customers, and how the products or services they offer impact their lives. Folks crave authentic content, and underestimated communities are exhausted to only find their cultures represented by those with extraordinary but unattainable lives.”

Translate Content and Highlight User-Generated Posts

Devoreaux Walton, Founder & Managing Partner, emphasized that inclusive marketing boosts loyalty and revenue. She advises translating content year-round, featuring Hispanic and Latine influencers for Hispanic Heritage Month and more. “The intersection of marketing and inclusion is a new space that is growing and leads to both higher brand loyalty and revenue. With Hispanic Heritage Month coming up, there are many things brands can do to make a positive impact! Translating content on both the website and social media (not just during the celebration month, but all year) is a respectful way to extend inclusion to Hispanic and Latine communities. 

A fun way to promote your products or services is to highlight user-generated content on your website and social media. In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, you can repost and share content from Hispanic and Latine customers (always giving them the proper linked credit) to showcase and highlight their perspectives. 

Want to increase engagement and followers on social media? Host a social media takeover campaign with different Hispanic and Latine influencers by letting them post directly on your platforms, sharing their tips and wisdom. A best practice for engaging any external customer or influencer in your brand promotion is to always compensate them for their time and effort.”

Host Immersive Culinary Experiences

Adonis Icalina, Author and Chef, recommends celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month with immersive culinary events that showcase diverse Hispanic cuisines and collaborate with local Hispanic chefs and businesses for an authentic, engaging experience. “One creative approach brands could use to make Hispanic Heritage Month stand out is by hosting immersive culinary experiences that showcase Hispanic cuisine. Imagine setting up a series of interactive cooking classes or pop-up events featuring dishes from various Hispanic cultures. Each event could highlight a different country or region, with chefs demonstrating traditional techniques and sharing the stories behind the dishes. 

This not only celebrates the rich diversity of Hispanic culinary traditions but also offers a hands-on experience that can engage the community in a meaningful way. Incorporating local Hispanic chefs and food artisans into these events can further enhance the authenticity and connection to the community. It’s also a great opportunity for brands to partner with Hispanic-owned businesses, creating a network of support and visibility for these entrepreneurs. By focusing on the food, brands can create a space where cultural heritage is celebrated through taste, stories, and shared experiences, making the celebration both enjoyable and educational.”

Collaborate With Hispanic-Owned Businesses

Evan Tunis, Business President, advises brands to partner with Hispanic-owned businesses, create special products, and host events to support and celebrate Hispanic entrepreneurs during Hispanic Heritage Month. “Brands can make a significant impact during Hispanic Heritage Month by collaborating with and highlighting Hispanic-owned businesses. This approach not only supports the local community but also showcases the diversity and contributions of Hispanic individuals in the business world. 

Brands can partner with these businesses to create limited-edition products or services that celebrate Hispanic culture, host events or workshops featuring their products, or even donate a portion of profits to organizations supporting Hispanic entrepreneurs. By showcasing and uplifting the voices of Hispanic-owned businesses, brands can authentically connect with the community during this month-long celebration.”

Special thanks to Featured for their continued help in the creation of this blog post. Click below for more strategies from the Nativa team regarding Business Strategies.

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