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In the rapidly evolving landscape of digital marketing, strategies that were once on the fringe are now leading the charge. We’ve gathered insights from digital marketing executives to social media experts, revealing how they’ve adapted to the changing scene. From embracing meme marketing to partnering with micro-influencers, explore the eleven cutting-edge tactics that are reshaping engagement in our latest article.

  • Embrace Meme Marketing
  • Join Viral Social Trends
  • Utilize Raw Ad Creatives
  • Engage With Live Streaming
  • Personalize With AI Email
  • Market on TikTok
  • Showcase User-Generated Content
  • Partner With Micro-Influencers

Embrace Meme Marketing

Raisul Islam, a Digital Marketing Executive, highlighted that meme marketing has grown into an effective and affordable strategy for engaging audiences through humor and relevance. “Meme marketing is now a popular way to advertise online. A few years ago, memes were just funny posts on social media. Now, companies use memes to sell their products and services. This change happened because memes have a strong impact and connect well with people. They are easy to understand and quick to read, which makes them ideal for our fast-paced online world.

Meme marketing is excellent because it doesn’t cost much. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to create something enjoyable for people. Memes engage people because they resonate with what they observe. People tend to respond more to things that make them laugh or feel emotions. Brands using memes can follow trends and reach their audience in a fun way. This keeps them memorable. Also, meme marketing allows brands to target specific groups, making their content more appealing to various individuals.”

Join Viral Social Trends

Blake Smith, a Marketing Manager, said that jumping on viral trends has become a popular strategy for brands, helping them achieve high engagement and visibility on platforms like TikTok.“One digital marketing strategy that has become quite popular recently, but was considered offbeat a few years ago, is for companies to partake in goofy, viral trends. What was once seen as “cringe” is now commonplace, with many brands jumping on the latest social media trends to engage with audiences. While there’s a lot of room for error, when executed well, these trends can lead to impressive engagement and visibility on platforms like TikTok. Brands that successfully tap into these trends can create memorable, shareable content that resonates with a wide audience, driving both brand awareness and customer loyalty.”

Utilize Raw Ad Creatives

Adam Haworth, a Business Founder, highlighted that raw ads, such as screenshots, are becoming popular for their ability to stand out from traditional formats and capture attention. “Raw ads are gaining popularity. Think of screenshots as ad creatives. We even see it in U.S. election campaigns. This method of using a screenshot of a note or message on a device, with no ad creative, connects with and stops users as it doesn’t resemble the typical ad creative we are so used to scrolling past and ignoring. A few years back, this would certainly have been unconventional, but now, it is the trend even for big-budget ad campaigns.”

Engage With Live Streaming

Matias Rodsevich, a Business Founder & CEO, said live streaming is now essential for real-time, authentic brand engagement on platforms like YouTube and Instagram. “Live streaming has quickly transformed from a niche tactic to a core digital marketing tool. Platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram have made it easier for brands to connect with audiences in real-time. Whether it’s showcasing behind-the-scenes moments, launching new products, or hosting interactive Q&A sessions, live streaming allows for a more authentic and engaging connection with viewers. It creates immediacy and transparency, helping brands foster trust and build stronger relationships with their audiences.”

Personalize With AI Email

Dinesh Agarwal, a Business Founder & CEO, noted that AI-driven hyper-personalized email marketing has transformed emails from generic to highly targeted, boosting engagement and customer retention. “A digital marketing tactic that has recently gained popularity is the use of hyper-personalized email marketing through AI and machine learning. A few years ago, email campaigns were often generic, with one-size-fits-all messaging that lacked personal relevance. However, we’ve embraced AI-driven tools that analyze customer behavior and preferences to create highly personalized email content. These emails are tailored to individual interests, purchasing history, and even real-time behaviors, making them far more effective in driving engagement and conversions.

This approach has transformed email marketing from a broad, impersonal strategy into a precise and dynamic tool for customer retention and acquisition. The ability to deliver the right message to the right person at the right time has not only improved open and click-through rates but has also deepened customer relationships, turning what was once a conventional tactic into a powerful driver of business growth.”

Market on TikTok

Samantha Easton, a Chief Executive Officer, said TikTok has evolved from a platform for teens to a powerful marketing tool, enabling brands to reach and engage with a younger audience in creative ways. “One digital marketing tactic that has gained significant popularity recently, but was considered unconventional just a few years ago, is the use of TikTok for brand marketing. Initially seen primarily as a platform for teens to share short, entertaining videos, TikTok has evolved into a powerful marketing tool for businesses across various industries, including real estate.

A few years ago, the idea of using a platform like TikTok to market real estate services or rental properties might have seemed out of place. It was commonly associated with viral dance challenges and meme culture rather than serious business promotion. However, as the platform’s user base has expanded and matured, businesses have started to recognize the potential of TikTok’s unique format to reach and engage with a large, highly active audience in creative ways.

The key to success on TikTok is creating content that feels authentic and engaging rather than overtly promotional. This shift in approach allows us to connect with a younger demographic that’s increasingly interested in homeownership and investment, while also staying relevant in a rapidly changing digital landscape.TikTok’s rise as a marketing tool reflects a broader trend towards more informal, creative, and community-driven content in digital marketing, showing that even platforms once considered unconventional can become essential parts of a modern marketing strategy.”

Showcase User-Generated Content

Josh Bluman, a Business Co-Founder, highlighted that user-generated content (UGC) has become crucial for its authenticity and social proof, allowing brands to connect with audiences through genuine customer experiences.“User-generated content (UGC) is now in the spotlight, as it brings a level of authenticity that traditional marketing often misses. Back in the day, brands mostly relied on traditional ads and slick, company-made content. But now, UGC is in the spotlight because it brings a level of authenticity that traditional marketing often misses. User-generated content is all about showcasing stuff created by your customers—like their reviews, photos, or videos featuring your product. It’s become popular because it taps into something powerful: social proof. When potential customers see real people using and loving a product, it feels much more genuine than a polished ad. 

These days, many brands actively encourage their customers to share their experiences and even feature this content in their marketing efforts. It’s a great way to boost engagement and build a community around your brand. Plus, it makes customers feel valued and involved. So, UGC is a game-changer. It’s not just about getting fresh content; it’s about creating real connections and driving conversions in a way that feels authentic and relatable.”

Partner With Micro-Influencers

Shreya Jha, a Social Media Expert, noted that micro-influencer marketing has become popular for its authenticity and higher engagement, offering a cost-effective way to reach targeted audiences with genuine connections. “One digital marketing tactic that has gained popularity recently is the use of micro-influencer marketing. A few years ago, many brands focused on partnering with high-profile influencers or celebrities to reach larger audiences. However, the landscape has shifted, and marketers have realized the effectiveness of collaborating with micro-influencers—individuals with smaller but highly engaged followings.

Micro-influencers often have a more authentic connection with their audience, leading to higher engagement rates and trust. Brands are increasingly turning to these influencers to promote their products or services, as they can achieve more targeted reach and cost-effective campaigns. This shift highlights the growing importance of authenticity and community in digital marketing strategies.”


Special thanks to Featured for their continued help in the creation of this blog post. Click below for more strategies from the Nativa team regarding Digital Marketing.

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