We are excited to announce that OYE! was selected this week by the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (USHCC) to receive the #USHCCPitchYourBiz sponsorship and attend the 2016 USHCC National Convention this coming week in Miami. The USHCC National Convention is the largest gathering for Hispanic business in America. Their annual National Convention brings together thousands of Hispanic business owners, corporate executives and members of more than 200 local Hispanic chambers of commerce from across the country, offering the opportunity to establish long-lasting business partnerships through dialogue, match-making and learning.
The OYE! team won by pitching their growing Latino Technology Startup via Twitter, and their winning video can be seen here: https://twitter.com/oyeintelligence/status/775432632477908994

About the USHCC
The USHCC actively promotes the economic growth and development of Hispanic entrepreneurs and represents the interests of 4.1 million Hispanic-owned businesses across the United States that together contribute in excess of $661 billion to the American economy each year. It also serves as the umbrella organization for more than 200 local Hispanic chambers and business associations in the United States and Puerto Rico.
ABOUT OYE! Latino Technology Startup
OYE! is a Hispanic data analysis solution that analyzes, monitors, and reports online conversations among Hispanics offering brands and organizations a unique opportunity to develop culturally-relevant communication strategies.
OYE! technology is capable of monitoring Hispanics sharing conversations in Spanish, English and Spanglish providing our subscribers with intelligent analytics and marketing data to leverage targeted campaigns. OYE! was recently selected as one of four finalists for the “Latino Start-up of the Year” award, becoming the only start-up from the Midwest and the only one led by a Latina.