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OYE Business Intelligence wins big as this multicultural small business wins the Phoenix Business Journal’s Small Business Award!

Phoenix multicultural small businessOYE started off by Eric Diaz and Natasha Pongonis, CoFounders of OYE, seeing a need in the multicultural industry. The need was to find what these multicultural consumers really thought about the markets that they are in. The founders started off by manipulating data manually, but by creating their own software, they would become more efficient. This is where OYE came to life. OYE has focused on finding influencers that shape the multicultural opinion as well as creating short studies on different markets. The latest short study was done on the Hispanic opinion on healthcare, focusing on the different topics that Hispanics would relate in regards to healthcare. Upcoming, the OYE team is working on two more short studies relating to the multicultural opinion on different laptop brands, as well as the multicultural opinion on different sit-in restaurants. These two studies are upcoming so definitely stay on the lookout for them! OYE has been focusing on bringing out blogs full of insightful content that taps into the multicultural markets. Blog examples include influencer features, market opinions, case study insights, and much more which can be checked out through this link.

The Small Business Award for the Multicultural Small Business

OYE was notified that we had been selected to become a finalist in the Phoenix Business Journal’s category for a Small Business Award. The Phoenix Business Journal was giving these awards out to celebrate the small businesses that work hard in the Phoenix community. They express that the small businesses in the community are a big part of the economy and have been helping the community out a lot. OYE was chosen as the winner and we are very proud of this accomplishment and very thankful that we got the honor to have gotten chosen to win this award.

After our selection as a finalist for the Small Business award from the Phoenix Business Journal, they came in to give us a visit to the office and had an interview with CoFounder Eric Diaz. Here Eric spoke about OYE and its creation challenges that OYE faces, as well as advice that he would give to people who were just starting out to build their own business.

PBJ Small Business Awards – Oye! Business Intelligence from OYE! Business Intelligence on Vimeo.

OYE is just getting started and we can’t wait to see where we will be a couple of years down the line. If you want to keep up with OYE definitely give us a follow on Instagram and see our journey continue!