During Hispanic Heritage Month the topic, Sports was one of the main topic discussed during the month long celebration. We also looked at the week before Hispanic Heritage Month to gather any announcements of anticipated events and celebrations during our Hispanic sports marketing online analysis.
The NFL dominated the Sports conversation with 78% during Hispanic Heritage Month, they had their Twitter campaign, #FeelTheOrgullo during games. The WWE released their 25 most influential Hispanic wrestlers which sparked 10% of the conversation beating out the MLB by 2%. Provided below is the hispanic sports marketing analysis breaking down each conversation by sport as well as language.
Twitter again was the most perferred channel with 82% of Hispanic users tweeting about their favorite sports team.
The NFL led all Positive sentiment with their campaign hashtag and WWE came in with the second highest sentiment caused by using positive keywords like “honor”.
The Bilingual and Spanish language were led by the NFL’s #FeelTheOrgullo campaign, Bilingual language was considerably high with 18%.
This analysis covers over 44,000 conversations gathered from Facebook, Twitter, blogs, and forums about the topic of Hispanic Hertiage Month. All data was pulled between September 8st and October 15th of 2015.
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