When I first spoke to Nativa co-owner Eric Diaz, it was during my interview. He asked me what I was most excited about in a potential internship, and I replied, “Finally using my Spanish.”

Nativa crew takes a group picture after eating burgers from The Stand.
Ashamed of Spanish
There was a period in my life where I intentionally stopped using my Spanish. I felt ashamed of it. For some reason, I thought it would make me disadvantaged to use it. Most of my friends didn’t speak the language so why did I need to? Just as former Nativa Intern Ana Cisneros wrote, I had a journey with myself and realized how beautiful the language is. I became aware of how fortunate I am to know two languages, especially Spanish. Many of my favorite artists including Kali Uchis, Omar Apollo, Kimberley Tell, Ambar Lucid and Bad Bunny sing only in Spanish or both Spanish and English. I get to enjoy all aspects of these talented artists because I understand both languages. And as much as I benefit from a wider music selection, I also receive benefits in a professional work setting. Particularly when analyzing Hispanic insights in order to build industry social listening studies using OYE software during my internship.
My New Phoenix Marketing Internship Team
During my time at Nativa, I also got to work with many great people. There were a total of three interns that included Erica Rojas, Cristina Fisher, & myself. I built a strong relationship with Erica as we bonded in Spanish, which often involved many jokes throughout the day! Even though I never got to physically meet Digital Analyst Christian Arenas in person, he was always there to help when I needed it. Then there was Jake Campbell, Joshua Jarukaruta and Christina. They all excelled in certain skills but didn’t fail to help me out when I needed it. When it comes to working with co-owner Eric, it wasn’t difficult to notice how ambitious and dedicated he is. On top of that, he’s one of the most understanding and helpful people I have worked with.
Wrapping Up My Phoenix Marketing Internship

Andres Sanchez Rivera and Erica Rojas on their last day interning at Nativa.
On the first day, it was all about being hands-on; which was quite refreshing compared to what I have heard from other internships. I definitely wasn’t expecting it. The work you do at Nativa will benefit you one way or another, and it never felt like busy-work. If there is one thing I took away from this internship experience at Nativa, it is to learn something new always.
Andres Sanchez will graduate from Arizona State University in 2022 from the W.P. Carey School of Business.