Nativa Supporting Multicultural Artists
In Nativa we believe in supporting local multicultural artists, that’s why this week we want to introduce you to Julian Villalpando, who is better known by his handle on Instagram, @kraze_tattoo. Kraze is a multicultural local muralist and tattoo artist that recently designed and painted the mural at the Nativa Phoenix office. Kraze has been an artist since he was 11 years old and back then, he focused on tagging. Tagging is a style of graffiti where an artist literally writes their artistic name (or identifier) with a style that makes the artist unique. He has gone from a humble start, building his reputation in the graffiti culture to now today where he is hired to create amazing murals throughout the city of Phoenix. We at Nativa are now pleased to host his work at our office as well.

Kraze showing off his work at the Nativa Phoenix office.
Why Street Art?
Kraze: I come from a rough area in south Phoenix. Growing up, art museums, art galleries and art expositions were not available to us, so the only contact that I had to artwork was street art, and I loved it. We used to go to the alleys and just stare at the murals or graffiti that people painted and I just felt very inspired. From there, I started to do the same. First with tagging and now with graffiti.
How did you get into Art?
Kraze: You know how you don’t remember how you learned how to walk? You just walk. That is how art has always been for me. I don’t remember learning it, I just remember getting better. Also, my grandmother has been a great influence on me. She was always drawing and painting and she always gave me coloring books and we spent a lot of time coloring together. Throughout the years, art has become my life and I don’t know anything else. Also, I feel that art has so many avenues to experience and to learn that there is no right or wrong as what you design can be truly incredible. You learn something new every day.
What is your Inspiration?
Kraze: Phoenix is a melting pot – similar to a big city like Los Angeles or New York because there are a lot of Hispanics. The thing that most inspires me is truly the poverty, the hood, the small taquerias that are right there trying to make it, just working hard from themselves. Seeing all those families doing it makes me believe that I can do it too and start to make it from my art.
What is the Best Thing that you have Learned in Life?
Kraze: To love yourself. Love everybody. There are a lot of broken people in this world and knowing that has taken me a long way, and it took me a long time to realize that. Love got me to the art that I am doing right now. I don’t give up.
Never in my life did I think I was going to be able to become a painter and support myself. It took a lot of time and work, but this is only the beginning. Everything I do, feel or say is genuine. I want people to feel my heart and my vibrations. Be authentic.
Wrapping Up with Kraze
Thank you Kraze for these inspiring words and the amazing mural that now graces our Phoenix office.
By supporting multicultural local artists, we improve our cities and our neighborhoods. Hopefully, this will illustrate the benefits to other companies considering artists to open their mind to hiring diverse talent.