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Customers are evolving faster than companies can keep up, so how do industry leaders remain ahead in understanding them? According to insights from seasoned professionals, innovative methods exist to measure customer experiences. Dive into all seven expert opinions to uncover the most effective strategies for measuring customer satisfaction.

  • Utilize Customer Effort Score
  • Implement Customer Journey Mapping
  • Conduct A/B Testing
  • Monitor Social Media Feedback
  • Use Net Promoter Score
  • Measure Customer Satisfaction Score
  • Assess Visitor Intent


Utilize Customer Effort Score

 Abid Salahi, a tech CEO, stated that the Customer Effort Score (CES) is an effective tool for measuring customer experiences. This approach asks customers to rate how much effort they had to exert to resolve their issue, request process, or answer questions. “The simplicity of this model is its strength, offering clear and actionable insight into where we need to minimize roadblocks in our services. A high CES correlates with increased customer loyalty, making it a powerful tool for improving user experience.”

Implement Customer Journey Mapping

Founder Swayam Doshi says to measure customer experiences effectively, she used “Customer Journey Mapping.” This method visualizes each step a customer takes from awareness to post-purchase.

“We began by collecting feedback through surveys and interviews to understand customer interactions. For example, many felt overwhelmed during checkout, leading to a 31.9% cart abandonment rate. In response, we simplified the checkout process and added clear prompts, resulting in a 28.65% increase in completed purchases. We can identify trends and make improvements by regularly updating our journey maps with customer feedback. This approach helps us create better experiences, making customers feel valued and boosting loyalty.”

Conduct A/B Testing

COO Ben Miller highlighted the best way to measure customer experiences is to see how they interact with the website. This is important because viewing people’s actions are much more critical than surveys or interviews about what people theoretically might do in the future.

“There are many platforms for A/B testing; we are currently using This tool allows us to make changes to existing features and add entirely new products and features. Then, we can test different versions and see how user behavior is affected with statistical certainty.”

The tool allows for many metrics, such as bounce rates, conversion to a free plan, conversion to a paid plan, time on site, and many others, that indicate which products and features are successful.

It even allows for making small changes, such as text or colors, without any involvement of the development team. So, marketing can quickly test new ideas and get data-driven results before recommending final changes to our website.

Monitor Social Media Feedback

Jason Davis, a founder, highlighted the use of social media monitoring to gauge customer opinion and pinpoint areas where the customer experience needs to be improved. Following mentions of your business and products across social media channels can provide you with insightful information about customer opinions, grievances, and compliments. Additionally, it offers real-time feedback, keeping you informed about developments and averting further harm that could undermine our business’s credibility and brand image.

Use Net Promoter Score

Marketing director Kyle Gier stated one effective method companies can use to measure customer experiences is implementing a Net Promoter Score (NPS) system. This approach asks customers a single question: “On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend our company/product/service to a friend or colleague?” Based on their responses, customers are categorized as Promoters (9-10), Passives (7-8), or Detractors (0-6).

The NPS is calculated by subtracting the percentage of Detractors from the percentage of Promoters. This simple metric clearly indicates customer satisfaction and loyalty. Companies can track their NPS over time to gauge improvements in customer experience. Additionally, follow-up questions can be asked to gain deeper insights into the reasons behind the scores. This method is valuable because it’s easy to implement, provides actionable data, and allows for benchmarking against industry standards.

Measure Customer Satisfaction Score

CMO David Holman says the simplest way to gauge how your customers feel about your company is to measure the Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT). This sounds technical at first glance, but it really just means figuring out how your customers feel about your company. You can do this through simple surveys.

These surveys don’t have to be very complex. After a customer completes a transaction, either have customer service representatives ask a few questions or send a short electronic survey to gauge their feelings.

Assess Visitor Intent

Founder Veronica West says visitor intent refers to why a customer visits a website or interacts with a company. It helps a brand improve customer experience by identifying what customers need, allowing the brand to use them as a basis for a more customer-centric approach. Doing so can help increase engagement, satisfaction, and loyalty. When visitor intent is measured, brands can identify customers’ behaviors to improve their strategies and products, resulting in a more favorable customer experience.


Special thanks to Featured for their continued help in the creation of this blog post. Click below for more strategies from the Nativa team regarding Online Marketing.

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